
Almost business as usual...almost

Hey everyone. I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've been terribly busy. We had finals this past week and I was up late for...over a week besides doing all kinds of other homework. I didn't go to bed at all one night because I had to study. It's been stressful, but I promise that I will give you a full post when I get time to sit down and write it all out. So much has happened in the past three weeks!!

Right now, I am sitting in Rome. I saw the Colosseum. I walked inside the Colosseum. I stood in the footsteps of the past. How cool is that?!

Hopefully in the next couple of days I will be able to update you on everything - nothing will be left out so you can be sure you will be in for a nice long read.

Again, sorry for the delay. Things should be up and running again soon.

Cheers! Ciao! Au revior!


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