Hello, all! I do hope you've not missed me too terribly much since the last time. This has honestly been the busiest week for me ever. Trying to fit homework and everything I've not done yet in London in 24 hours is hard work, but somehow, I've been able to manage homework and fun - now I'm having more fun than doing homework, which is as it should be. I love London!
So, I supposed, once again, I should start where I left off...
4 November 2007: Church and a movie
Sunday = church as always and this week we went to Wembley. Although, it was very awkward. How? I'll see if I can explain. We got to church as usual and the people are so nice, but apparently, there had been some disputes during class that I really don't know the details of. Halfway through service, some guy walked up the little aisle, said something to the preacher, and then the preacher got up and made an announcement - he asked that all visitors please leave because the church family had something they needed to discuss. We, being guests, left - though we felt like we shouldn't, but we thought it might be something they really didn't want very many people to know about. So we all went home, confused and worried. What had the aisle guy said to the preacher? Later that evening, we all found out. A friend of Dr. Tullos's knows someone in the States who knows someone that goes to Wembley very closely. He told us that his friend had talked to the Wembley member and the church was talking about a split. Keep in mind, this is the biggest Church of Christ in England - with a top attendance on Sunday at about 60 people. A split in a church like that is a VERY big deal, as it would in any other church. But because Wembley is so small and need so much encouragement, we were very disheartened. Please everyone keep them in your prayers. We do not know hardly any details, but they need encouragement.
After church, I went to ASDA, then the flat, did some homework and watched John Tucker Must Die and The Holiday with Courtney and Liz. Good girl time - serenaded by the Guy Fawkes fireworks in the background. It was heavenly! What a great night! And then I went to bed because sleep is a very good thing.
5 November 2007: A guy, some fireworks, and a walk
So, for all of you who don't know, November 5 is Guy Fawkes Day. This is the only holiday the English have between Halloween and Christmas, and it's kind of a big deal. Guy Fawkes, Catholic, was one of over 10 men who plotted to blow up Parliament at the opening. However, they made a mistake. There was one man in Parliament that the plotters were friends with, so they sent him a letter telling him not to go to the opening of Parliament. He found this suspicious and showed the letter to other members of Parliament. They figured that someone was going to try something, so they set out to search the Parliament Building and found Guy waiting for the exact right time to light 36 tons of gunpowder and blow the Protestant Parliament to Kingdom Come. They arrested him, tortured him, he broke a few names, hung just before he died, drawn and quartered, beheaded, and then burned. His head was placed on the Tower Bridge to remind people NOT to mess with Parliament. Cool, huh? So the English celebrate the the Catholics did not overcome the Protestants. Thus, an amazing holiday weekend with bonfires, fireworks, and the burning of Guy in effigy. SOO much fun! Unfortunately, I was not able to see any bonfires - apparently they do not to bonfires on the actual 5th of November which made me sad, but I did see a pretty good fireworks show. I went with nearly my entire flat and we had so much fun! There was a parade with paper lanterns from an elementary school in the area who wanted to put on a show. It was about the cutest thing I've ever seen!
After the show, a few of us didn't want to go back to the flat, so we walked the Thames River...at night...in the cold. But it was amazing!!! Walked across the Golden Jubilee Bridge, which is the funny looking bridge - almost a suspension bridge, but not. It looks like a clipper on top of the water. Pretty cool. Saw Big Ben at night again. I love him at night. Tried to get another video of him bonging, but my camera died...sad day. Then we took the tube back to the flat because it is not a good idea for girls to walk down Tottenham Court Road at night - pretty scary stuff. But I had a great time! I love Guy Fawkes Day!
6 November 2007: The Queen's home, Diagon Alley, and a bunch of dead guy's paintings
This was a Tuesday, which means FIELD TRIP!! Except, this time, we stayed in London and went to the Opening of Parliament. We did not actually see the Opening persay, but we did get to see a wonderful parade that walked down the Mall from Buckingham Palace. That's right - I saw Buckingham Palace!! We got there about 2 hours before anything started to get a good seat, and man, did it get crowded. Why was this a big deal? As you could probably guess, Buckingham Palace is the Queen's home. There was a parade down the front of her home - who wouldn't want to see that?! I saw the funny guards with their mink hats, but in grey coats instead of their usual red costumes. But they were pretty sweet. The horses I saw were ALL so GORGEOUS!! The Queen takes VERY good care of her horses. They're all big and beautiful - some of the prettiest I have ever seen. So the parade went in front of the Palace and then, it happened. Why was everyone there? Because the Queen was going to Parliament to open in and everyone wanted to see her. That's right. I saw the Queen of England!! Wahoo! She was in her pretty gold and red carriage, dressed in white, but looking absolutely goregous in her old age. The princes did not make an appearance, which probably saddened every girl in the audience, including myself. They're just too cute. But I got to see her, and the Prime Minister, but I didn't really care about him that much. Dude, I saw the QUEEN! Then, there was a 41 gun salute in Green Park that I did not know was going to happen so I only go to see the smoke the cannons were setting off in perfectly round circles. I can only imagine what war must have sounded like way-back-when because just one of those cannons was almost deafening and shook the ground - and we were pretty far away from them.
After that, I decided that I really didn't want to go back to the flat, even though I had homework that I had to do (me being the amazing student that I am....*cough* not *cough*....I wanted to pat myself on the back for going to have fun! Wahoo! So, what did I do? I went on a Harry Potter scavenger hunt. That's right - I went to several of the places that appear in the movies. It was so cool! I saw Diagon Alley (which is Ooo so cute decorated for Christmas!), the Leaky Cauldron, the inside of Gringotts, but I couldn't take a picture of that, and the front of the Leaky Cauldron (which is actually a pub in the Burough Market). I don't think I have time to see the suburb that was used for Privet Drive and I have yet to see the Great Hall, but I know exactly where it is. I want to go back!! But that hunt was SOO much fun!! I felt like such a nerd, but i felt like a good nerd. Yay for Harry Potter!!!
After that, Sasha, Kerri and I went to the Tate Britain which houses the famous paintings of dead painters I've never heard of. But they were all really cool. I saw the painting of The Lady of Shalott, which is my most favorite Tennyson poem of all time. It was so gorgeous!! I really liked this museum. I love the fact that all the best museums in London are free - that way you don't have to spend a lot of money doing some really awesome things.
After that, I went to the flat and did...nothing. Just palled around in the flat and had a good time doing NO homework. Wahoo!
7 November 2007: The Center of 0º, clipping, and Japanese food
After classes today, we headed to Greenwich, England via the Tube. The ride was really nice. For those of you who might not be aware, Greenwich is where 0º longitude is and it runs right through the little city. We went to the Royal Observatory at the top of a very steep hill, took a short tour of the surroundings, saw the very first clock that work on the sea (Harrison's clocks) and his first "pocketwatch" that didn't run with a pendulum but with all wheels. It wasn't as large as I had pictured, but it wasn't small. It was so pretty! I got my picture taken at the Prime Meridian overlooking the city. It was so cool! I stood in two hemispheres at once! Yay!!
After that, those who wanted to took a ferry down the Thames back to Embankment (near Big Ben, the next stop would be Westminster except the ferry didn't go that far). I took the ferry. We all stood on the back of the boat, but I walked all the way along the railing to the very end of the boat and just stood there embracing the magnificent airy feeling of the Thames River. I really enjoyed that. Very relaxing. The boat we took was one of those that skimmed along the top of the water, so we were going really fast and that made it even better.
Following our wondeful ferry ride, the Tullos's, Christina, and I went to Wagamama's, a Japanese restaurant. It was kind of expensive, and a good experience with Japanese food, but I don't think I will go back again...and if I do, I will get something different cause I didn't really like what I got. There was not much flavoring and nothing I could really do to change it. But I enjoyed eating with chopsticks. Yay!!
After Japanese, I went and did homework for the first time in about 3 days. I was up until all hours of the morning and both my presentations were crap, but I had a great day and I really didn't care.
8 November 2007: Winston Churchill slept in the Circle of Life
After classes (and my terrible presentations...), we went to the Cabinet War Rooms from WWII. This bunker was almost unknown to everyone in London at the time. This was the place where Winston Churchill and his cabinet members met to discuss the War, etc. Whatever important people like that talk about. I saw where the Prime Minister ate, cooked, sat at meetings, and slept. It was so cool! Everything was left exactly as it was found when the bunker was discovered in the 1970's. It was very interesting and I bought stuff for my classroom. Wahoo!!
Following a visit to the gift shop and buying stuff for my classroom, Courtney and I decided to go to Twinings. That was adventure in itself. We were on our way and it started to drizzle as we were making our way down Strand Street. No big deal. It drizzles a lot and it's just gross. Well, we continue on our way and then it starts to pour. I'm not talking just straight rain, im talking soak you to your skin (when it's already cold), make you sick kind of pouring down rain. It was nasty. We got stranded inside a shop that was devoted entirely to Doctor Who merchandise. It was kinda creepy cause we were the only girls among many guys in a strange shop....awkward. Anyway, the rain did not let up, so we went back to the flat - sopping wet. It was great!!
After that, I was back in the flat for about 15 minutes before I found out that some people were going to The Lion King that night. They knew I wanted to go, so they asked me if I wanted to join them. And of course I did!! The Lion King is (or rather was) the top spot on my list of musicals to see in my lifetime. We weren't really sure we could get tickets because it was supposedly sold out until the end of the season. But we decided to try anyway. About a hour later, we were on our way to the Lyceum Theatre off of Strand Street. We walked to the box office, all 5 of us, and asked if they had any more tickets left for the night. The lady asked if we were students so we could get the discount, and of course we were, so she looked and found 5 seats - together - on the floor - £36 cheaper than they were originally. What a deal!! So we sat in the stalls in abouut the most amazing seats ever and saw the greatest show known to man. I started crying in the first 10 seconds of it just because I had never seen anything like it in my entire life! The costumes were amazing and so was the set. I was so glad I decided to go. We were all prepared to pay £40 just to see it, but £20 is even better. Seriously, if you have ANY desire to see the greatest costumes on the face of the planet, GO SEE LION KING!! Words do NOT describe how incredible this experience was, just that I would go again in a heart beat and that I would have paid the full nearly £60 to see it if I had to. It was that good. No wonder it is ALWAYS sold out on Broadway.... AMAZING! We all bought shirts of course. Dude....
9 November 2007: Early mornings, a tea shop, cheap clothes, and a night with King Henry VIII
So apparently, this wonderful Friday was the last time we were really going to get a chance to see the changing of the guard (which I had not seen yet...), so several of us went. Actually, I got to Buckingham Palace a 9 in the morning and waited, staking out a good place to see the changing before everyone else got there about 10:30 - an hour before the event. It was so cold and I dont know HOW I FORGOT to dress warm, but I did - so I shivered for three hours. Fun.....But the changing was interesting. I dont think we stayed for the whole thing. The band started playing (Stars and Stripes Forever for some reason) and both Courtney and I were freezing so we decided to go to Twinings. This time it did not rain. It was a beautiful blue sky all the way! I bought boxes of the teas I had been trying and really liked. Now I have to ship them home. Yay!! I was so happy.
I got back to the flat and Megan was there. Liz had just gotten back from Primark and was showing off what she had gotten. I got the bright idea that I wanted to go to Primark, too and Megan wanted to as well, so went. I had been in the flat 15 minutes before I left again. What a busy week!
So, clothes shopping, which I NEVER EVER do. But I wanted a scarf and some PJ pants. So that's what I got. And let me just say, I know why so many girls here have so many clothes - it's because Primark is SOO cheap! Regular PJ pants that cost $15-$20 in the States...£4. Scarf - £3. So I bought 3 pairs of pants, a scarf and a shirt all for under £20. Isn't that amazing?! I love London. I've said that so many times, but it really is true. Yay London!!
After a wonderful hour of shopping, we got back and had to get ready for the dinner that night. Guess where we were going? A medieval dinner - 7 courses - in the hall that King Henry VIII had dinner parties in. Just think - I've eaten where the King has eaten and had a few laughs and fun times. Wahoo! I love England and their history. But the dinner was fun. I pounded the table a lot, drank a lot of coke and lemonade, ate wonderful food (the best baked chicken I have EVER had, and I don't like baked chicken) and some of the craziest games ever. It was a hoot. Henry came out, then he died and Elizabeth came to the throne. Got my picture with her. She looks good for being dead 400 years. Then we disco-ed. No really. They had a disco and we stayed for a bit afterwards, but our busdriver needed to get back seeing as it was 10:30 already and it takes a good hour to get back. Probably the most fun I've had in a really long time. I suggest everyone go to the medieval dinner if you EVER to go London. Go with a big group and it's even better.
I still got to bed later than I should have...oh well, perhaps I can make it up later...sometime...when I don't have to get up early and go places.
This past week has been the most fun packed, busy and tiring week, but I would not take it back for anything. I've enjoyed being out of the flat and exploring London and seeing more of what there is to see, going to the theatre, shopping, historical stuff. You know - the usual.
London is so amazing. I only have 3 weeks left and I plan to make the most of it in the short amount of time I have left. I have a nice list of places I still want to go.
The next week is going to be another adventure because it's another 4-day trip and Kaity, Jordan, and I are going to Cork, Ireland where the Blarney Stone is and I'm going to kiss it - and all the people who have kissed it before me. Yay!! That has to got be a world record....Hah!!
Hope y'all have a great week and I will re-post when I get back from my trip when I have the time, of course.
Rugby, Sir Isaac Newton, and Halloween!
Hey y'all! I know, I know....it's about time right? Yes, it most definately is. These past two weeks have been very eventful in many ways. Want to know how? Keep reading to find out.
Lets finish the last day I wrote about:
19 October 2007: Hyde Park is filled with squirrels and pigeons
After a relaxing time in the flat, I went to Hyde Park with Kaity, Jordan, and Chris. Why? To feed the birds. Jordan brought bread and peanuts and almost immediately, birds came out of nowhere! They flew around you, on top of you, and landed on you! Oh, it was fantastic! A few minutes went by as Chris sat on the benches shelling some peanuts then he felt something on his leg - it was a squirrel come to eat the peanuts. And yes, they really do come eat out of your hand. They don't like to be petted, but I managed a brush. They are SOO cute! They climb all over you and eat right out of your hand. If you give them a peanut that hasn't been shelled, they'll sit on your leg and shell the peanut before taking off to bury it and coming back for more. It was so very entertaining. I got landed on by pigeons a lot. They're pretty good about keeping their mess to themselves, which was good cause I didnt want to have to go home with bird goop on my clothes. Yuck! So yes, that was fun. I'm thinking about taking Ian to feed the birds cause he loves hanging out with us so much. He is the cutest little kid and so sweet. I wish I had more time to get out and take him places just cause he likes us older kids. And that is that!
*This is Jordan feeding the squirrel at Hyde Park
*This is Chris feeding the squirrel at Hyde Park
*This is me with a squirrel eating out of my hand
20 October 2007: A little Rugby with your dinner?
This is a day I won't forget for a long time. It was such an experience. That morning, I went to Camden Market with Courtney and Liz to shop and look for Rugby jerseys (we'll get to that in a minute). The others found what they wanted (clothes, etc. but I'm not too big into clothes shopping), but I hadn't yet. So we took the tube on over to Piccadilly Circus to check out LillyWhite's, a sporting goods store, and the only place that would sell decent rugby jerseys. I did find what I was looking for and it fits great for a kids size! (the adult sizes were much too expensive) I also bought a great flag and a scarf. Yay Rugby! Went back to the flat for a few hours before saddling up for a great night of food, fun, and sporty men. I put on my Rugby jersey and Courtney, Julie, Chris, and I went and staked out a pub in which to spend our evening. We finally wound up at the Rising Sun just down the street from here (there are about 20 pubs in the vicinity....) and took our place for a night of wild game. Why? What was the special occasion? Why, the World Rugby Cup of course!! England was playing South Africa in France that night and we wanted to join in the fun. None of us knew how good either team was, but they had to be decent if they had made it that far, right? Needless to say, we were going for England of course. How rude to be in England and not root for the home team (which many did not). So, we four sat down, Courtney and Julie ordered dinner (I had no money at the time) and we sat and talked for a long time before the game. We got there at a good time because about 15 minutes after we showed up, people started staking their ground for the match - this was going to be exciting! Chris left us a while later and went back to the flat, but we three stayed for the game. Honestly, I do not understand Rugby at all, I just know when they score. I couldn't follow the game very well because the TV was so small, but I got what I could. We met some guys there who, I think, were going for South Africa, but we never really could tell. They were nice...drunk, but nice. Anyway, after a not-very exciting game (according to those who were broadcasting it), South Africa won the title. A disappointing game, really, but fun none-the-less. There were parties we heard because of the South African's win, but we did not attend any of them. It was sad to know that England lost, but I still had fun. When am I ever going to do that again, honestly? And that night was over
21 October 2007: A different kind of Worship
For church today, I and several friends, did not attend Wembley as normal. We wanted to check out a church much closer to us (right around the corner actually). From what I had heard, it sounded exciting, so I was all about going (not that I don't appreciate Wembley, but sometimes you just need something different). So I went. I did not know at all what to expect so when I walked into the theatre (yes, it was in an actual theatre) I was overwhelmed. Seriously, it was like a concert setting (ok, it was a concert setting) and the air was alight with excitement. Everyone was so nice and welcoming and no one cared what you looked like, only that you had showed up to worship God. It was relaxing to say the least, but adrenaline pumping at the same time. You know what I mean? So, church started and it was a concert-type of worship. There was a group singing and there was music and everyone in the audience was cheering and clapping and jumping up and down, hands raised, voices praising God, and hearts really into what they were doing. I didn't know any of the songs, but that doesn't mean that I didn't try to sing. I picked it up eventually, but I spent most of the time swimming tears because it reminded me of the old camp days when people really believed what they were saying. It had that kind of energy, but it was so much better. For the first time, I actually thought about what the songs meant and they were SOO beautiful! This was a much needed Sunday. And the preacher didn't even talk about what he had planned, which was a first for me, but it was something that I needed to hear. For the first time in my life, I really enjoyed going to church and I actually took away something. It was a great feeling and I would go back in a heartbeat if I weren't required to go to Wembley. I liked it a lot and it actually felt good to be a Christian. Yay for Jesus!
The rest of the day was devoted to classes and more homework. When am I not doing homework?
22 October 2007: Class
Yep - another day of classes and more homework. Yay!!
23 October 2007: It's Tuesday, which means Road Trip!
So today, we went to Cambridge and Ely Cathedral. As I hope all of you know, Cambridge is the other "college town" in England, alongside Oxford. It was pretty small but filled with people...on bikes...running you over in the street. No joke. I liked Cambridge, but one can never get over the fact that there are 30,000 bikes inside the city. Why? Because cars are not allowed to be owned by students unless they are disabled, etc. So everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) has a bike. I hardly saw a car on the streets, but bikes were a different story. I nearly got plowed into several times. You must remember that in almost all cases, pedestrians do NOT have the right of way anywhere in England, so vehicles (including bikes) have permission to run over people in the way. Kinda scary, but that's how it goes. So we took a tour of Cambridge (a 5000 year old town) and that was really interesting. I learned alot, but would remember more if I had pictures to look at. I did see the several thousand year-old market where they still have a market. That was cool. I saw "Newton's" apple tree, or the actual DNA'd tree from the real tree. It didn't like to produce apples - it was very small but intesting all the same.
After that, we headed past more fields and windmills Ely Cathedral. It has been a Cathedral for several thousand years - since before the Normans - I believe it was started during the Celtic age of England (which is VERY old). A girl from our group, Lolli, used to go to school in Ely Cathdral, which was cool. We were going to sing, but there was a memorial service going on, so we couldn't but we did enjoy listening to the chorus sing beautiful songs with the 7 second echo. It was fabulous. I enjoyed the Cathedral and the stained glass (I have a thing for stained glass....). And the day could not have been more beautiful!
24 October 2007: Another day, another class, another abbey...Abbey??
So, obviously we had class again. By this time, I began to realize how much homework I had to do over the weekend and I was beginning to flip out - MAJORLY. And so I was getting all upset and angry inside because I had so much to do and not enough apparent time to do it in...I began to hate school for the first time in a very long time. And then we just had to go to Westminster Abbey, which wouldn't have been so bad had I not had so much to do already. Still, I enjoyed the abbey. I saw the grave of the Unknown Soldier who is buried with the kings. I thought that was so sweet. And yes, I did see several king's tombs, which were msotly above the ground and not very ornate, like I thought they would be. Still, not everyone can say they've seen King Charles I tomb, or Queen Elizabeth I's tomb or Mary, Queen of Scots (who has personal items at Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh which I saw when I was there). Overall, I really did enjoy the Abbey. Honestly, it is not on my top 5 list of things to do, but it is a good thing to see at least once in your life if you go to London. I find that walking amongst the dead is a very peaceful pastime, as morbid as it may seem. You should try it sometime. You just might enjoy it. And then there was night and sleep. Good sleep.
25 October 2007: Oh, yeah, we just saw a torture chamber
So, classes resumed the following morning, regardless of the fact that was didn't want to go and already had so much to do. But there-in lies the problems of school, they just keep giving it to you. And lo and behold, I got more work pushed upon me. Great....I'm going to have a WONDERFUL weekend - NOT!!!!
BUT, things got better because we went to the Tower of London. Oh, yes, the infamous Tower of London - full of blood and stories and such awful things as those that are so much fun to learn about!!! I spent nearly 5 hours in the Tower of London - 5 of the most interesting, thought provoking, and physically tiring hours of my life. But it was SOOO worth it. This place was chock full of history, torture (because that's where people were kept as prisoners for many years), tradition, etc. Just being here was enough to get me even more excited about being a history teacher. Some places are just SOO cool to learn about! I walked through the castle by myself (which was probably better because I was able to take as much time as I wanted anywhere I went) and took time to look at everything, go into every room, read as slow as I wanted to read as many times as I wanted to read them, and have free reign of the castle. It was fantastic! The only downer was that I didn't have anyone to take my picture, so I am lacking in the "me at the Tower of London" stuff pictures, but I did get a few :-) I saw where the Prince King Edward was held captive and where there were two skeletons found in the Tower supposedly belonging to him and his brother who mysteriously disappeared. I saw carvings of many a prisoner on the walls of many prison towers. I saw torture chambers and the artifaces used in carrying out said torture. I saw the changing of the guard inside the castle, and beefeaters (who are the guardians of the castle). I saw the crown jewels (as in the ACTUAL ones the queen wears during the Opening of Parliament - the official crown jewels. Yes, I cried throughout that whole exhibit. Call me a softie, but it just made me so gloriously happy that I could see these things. I have only HEARD of them, learned about them, but NEVER actually thought I would SEE them! I have been so many places like that, it's hard to wrap my finger around it all. I saw cannons, and chapels, and toilets. I got to see how good of an archer I was, pick up actual guns used in the 1800's in the British Army, and touch the ground that many a prisoner, king, queen, prince, and princess have walked upon. I have walked on the faces of history, and most people only care to look at what is there now, not what has been. Many of my group left after only about an hour, but there is NO WAY ANYONE could even BEGIN to see anything remotely interesting in just an hour. There is just too much. The Tower is one of those places that you MUST spend a whole day in just to begin to get the feeling of it all. I was sorely upset that I had to leave, but it was closing and I could not stay any longer. I bought so much stuff at the Tower....I really shouldn't have, but I liked it THAT much. By far THE BEST £13 I have EVER spent - to walk upon the past is to see the face of the future.
26 October 2007: Free Day....spent doing other things
Yes, I know, I spend too much time doing homework, but that's what I did....ALL DAY Friday. I hate homework, but I know it has to be done. I wanted so badly to go out and do stuff with my friends, but homework is priority because I have to do well. I have been getting better at the whole balancing-homework-having-fun-in-London thing. And it's working out great.
But still, that does not make me despise homework any less....
27 October 2007: Parched and tired....
Yes, parched. Not because the water here tastes awful, but because the water main broke and we were without water for almost 24 hours....yuck. I was one of the lucky people to have gotten a shower before the water main busted, but most in my flat were not. They spent a miserable, hot day hoping and praying that the water would come back on, but it did not. The Tullos' were gracious enough to offer their two bathrooms to anyone who wanted to take a shower since they were in a different building and had water...go figure. So I took a shower at night - quite out of my normal routine because I hate taking showers at night, but no one knew when the water would be back on, so I took one. Turns out, the water was turned back on early the next morning, but we all had a devo in the Tullos' flat because we didn't want to go to church smelly in case the water was not on Sunday morning. That was nice, too. It was spectacular to take a shower that afternoon. I will never take running water for granted ever again!
That night, Megan, Julie, Kaitlin and I went to Covent Garden and had dinner. I ate a pizza, which is once again quite out of my routine because I don't really like pizza... but this was a good pizza. Aside from being attacked by a hungry pigeon, dinner was quite uneventful. It was nice to get out, away from homework, and spend sometime with people I don't usually get to hang out with. We then went and rode the carousel in Covent Garden. I've not ridden one in so long! It was nice to be a kid again. This was by far the fastest carousel I've even ridden...it was crazy! If you didn't hold on, you were going to get thrown off. But it was great. I very much enjoyed that. After that, I went and slaved away at homework again...oh the joy of my life - or not.
28 October 2007: Grubby Sunday
So, most of us got up that morning not having had a shower in over 24 hours, which gave the flat a very interesting smell...but not nearly as bad as some of the streets of London, no siree! But devo was good. Then I finished cracking down on the homework I still had to do for the next few class periods. Trust me, I had more than I was paying for....and it was not a good thing.
I survived classes and prepared for another day of massive homework doing. Homework is soon becoming my bestest friend!!! Ha!......
29 October 2007: Class
Yes, classes as usual, but after today, the week got much less stressful. Things had been turned in like they were supposed to and not all my assignments were due on the same day the next week. What a joyful thought!! But I still went and did homework again after classes cause I'm a nerd like that...but I also helped prepare our flat for the upcoming Halloween Party. Everyone was getting costumes for the contest and buying candy (British candy, not as good as American of course), etc. Whatever you have to do for a party, as well as hang decorations. Liz's favorite holiday is Halloween and she gets so excited about it. Seriously, she started planning in September - it was awesome. And, I decided what I wanted to be for Halloween - a big deal cause I've not dressed up since I was very young. But I'm not going to tell you just yet what I decided to be....cause it's a surprise. : )
30 October 2007: Tis another Tuesday Adventure!!!
So, today, we went to probably the cutest place ever - Canterbury and Dover!! I loved this day. I saw the Canterbury Cathedral where Thomas a Beckett was murdered - and I SAT on the exact spot he was murdered at. That was cool. Once again, walking upon the face of history, rather in this case, sitting on the face of history. Haha! That just sounds funny. But I really enjoyed our 2 hour tour of the Cathedral. Yay Thomas Beckett!!
After Canterbury, we went another half an hour out of the way to Dover. Ever heard of the white cliffs of Dover? Yeah, I totally saw those...and played in the water on Dover Beach, and saw my first ever sign of land called....France!! Wahoo! I took quite a few pictures of Dover Beach - it was so much fun. I got really wet cause I had a really big wave come and collide into my shins...I had tried to roll up my pants, but that did not work very well...Oh well. It's no crime to have the English Channel eat part of your pants in an attempt to bring in the coming tide. It was uber cold, but that's what made it so much fun! I did not go to Dover castle (the biggest castle in Britain, fyi) because I did not have the £7.50 to get in the door. But I didn't care - I had just as much fun goofing off on the beach and shopping in the town centre. I fell in love with both of those towns because they were small, homey, and still had so much of the original building work there. They looked old, but I definately think England and I get along very well indeed. I love this country!
31 October 2007: Halloween, what else?
So we had classes today as usual, but it was Halloween, so everyone was excited about the party that night. After class, I went to LillyWhite's again (remember the sporting goods store? Yeah, I could spend time in there like a girl in the mall) to get the final touch for my costume. I was so excited!! The entire costume (if you got it specifically for Halloween) had to be underr £10 in order to be qualified for the contest. And guess what? I found the last item for £9.09. Go me!! So I got them and went back to get ready for the party that night. I was almost all dressed by 6 - an hour before the party was to start. But that was ok cause I was so excited and it gave everyone else a chance to get ready and for me not to be in the way. Are you ready to find out what I was? Ok...well. I decided to be an England Rugby Player!! I already had the jersey, the Rugby ball, and the flag. What better thing to be? All I had to get were the shorts (which are very comfortable, btw) under £10, and I totally did that! Of course, I had to soup it up a bit, so I had really messy hair with leaves in it, and some fake injuries on my face, my arm and my leg. I thought I looked great and so did some other people. They all seemed to really like what I dressed up as considering I hadn't had to think about it in such a long time. But it was SOO much fun! We had a dance party, contest, did charades, bowling, and a movie (which I did not watch because I went to go write a speech due the next day. Go me!). But I ate candy and food and cake and saw Hermione Granger, the four seasons, a power riser, gypsies, a good witch, snowflakes, fairies, and of course the Rugby player. I had a great time just spending it with friends, goofing around, and having a stress-free time. Ahhh, holidays. What better thing to put us in a good mood?
1 November 2007: Classes
Had classes today. After classes I took a much much needed break from homework. Even though I had a science test the next evening, I didn't do homework for at least 6 hours because I didn't want to. Go me!! I honestly don't remember what I did besides give a speech on two hours of sleep (I was up until 5 writing my speech), perhaps thats why I dont remember - I was so tired....But I did go to bed at 10:30 that night and slept for 12 hours. Ahh, blissful sleep!! What a nice relaxing day! And my speech went very well. Ms. Dillion really liked it - very impressed and blown away by statistics...I did the history of Coca-Cola. It's still interesting.
Today was also the 21st birthday of my bestest friend, Kevin. Can't forget him - not ever.
2 November 2007: More study, then free time!
I spent all day before 5 preparing for my environmental science test that evening. It was not a big deal and I made a 100 on the test, so all was not that big of a deal. After that, I watched two movies and some early Guy Fawkes Day fireworks. It was great! I love this country and all their customs. Yay for the English. Today was mostly a relaxing day after 5, when I took my test. Good thing too, cause I don't think I could handle another weekend like that....
3 November 2007: A time away from home
Today was a free day, completely void of homework, except what I'm going to do right after this because it's due tomorrow and I've not started on it. I went to the Harrod's Christmas Day Parade when Father Christmas welcomes Christmas into London. It was so cute to act like a kid again! I got a balloon and a crown and candy and a teddy bear! Yay for Harrods! The parade was so cute and there was snow - soap snow, but snow all the same. Then we went shopping in Harrods - that was cool. We were in there when almost no one else was. It's great to browse without 1000 other people crowding the same building. After that, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe store and got shirts since we ate there. Then we went down Burlington Arcade - really expensive stuff and very posh. Dressing up is a good idea when walking down it...After that we went to Primark and I bought....CLOTHES!! Not many, but enough to say that I have. Wahoo!! I spent almost 10 hours out of the flat today, not doing anything very productive, but feeling great about that. I love this country, have I already said that? I can't stress that enough.
Now, off to get busy doing stuff that is due tomorrow. I hope you have enjoyed the past two weeks of my life in retrospect.
I'm sorry if I've been bad about this, but if there is anything you have questions about, just want to say hi, etc., please feel free to email me. I would love to hear from anyone who is enjoying my time in England as much as I. If you don't have my email address, I shall enlighten you: acancien@harding.edu. Again, I would love comments, inquiries, etc.
Love you guys! Cheers!
In Him,
Lets finish the last day I wrote about:
19 October 2007: Hyde Park is filled with squirrels and pigeons
After a relaxing time in the flat, I went to Hyde Park with Kaity, Jordan, and Chris. Why? To feed the birds. Jordan brought bread and peanuts and almost immediately, birds came out of nowhere! They flew around you, on top of you, and landed on you! Oh, it was fantastic! A few minutes went by as Chris sat on the benches shelling some peanuts then he felt something on his leg - it was a squirrel come to eat the peanuts. And yes, they really do come eat out of your hand. They don't like to be petted, but I managed a brush. They are SOO cute! They climb all over you and eat right out of your hand. If you give them a peanut that hasn't been shelled, they'll sit on your leg and shell the peanut before taking off to bury it and coming back for more. It was so very entertaining. I got landed on by pigeons a lot. They're pretty good about keeping their mess to themselves, which was good cause I didnt want to have to go home with bird goop on my clothes. Yuck! So yes, that was fun. I'm thinking about taking Ian to feed the birds cause he loves hanging out with us so much. He is the cutest little kid and so sweet. I wish I had more time to get out and take him places just cause he likes us older kids. And that is that!
20 October 2007: A little Rugby with your dinner?
This is a day I won't forget for a long time. It was such an experience. That morning, I went to Camden Market with Courtney and Liz to shop and look for Rugby jerseys (we'll get to that in a minute). The others found what they wanted (clothes, etc. but I'm not too big into clothes shopping), but I hadn't yet. So we took the tube on over to Piccadilly Circus to check out LillyWhite's, a sporting goods store, and the only place that would sell decent rugby jerseys. I did find what I was looking for and it fits great for a kids size! (the adult sizes were much too expensive) I also bought a great flag and a scarf. Yay Rugby! Went back to the flat for a few hours before saddling up for a great night of food, fun, and sporty men. I put on my Rugby jersey and Courtney, Julie, Chris, and I went and staked out a pub in which to spend our evening. We finally wound up at the Rising Sun just down the street from here (there are about 20 pubs in the vicinity....) and took our place for a night of wild game. Why? What was the special occasion? Why, the World Rugby Cup of course!! England was playing South Africa in France that night and we wanted to join in the fun. None of us knew how good either team was, but they had to be decent if they had made it that far, right? Needless to say, we were going for England of course. How rude to be in England and not root for the home team (which many did not). So, we four sat down, Courtney and Julie ordered dinner (I had no money at the time) and we sat and talked for a long time before the game. We got there at a good time because about 15 minutes after we showed up, people started staking their ground for the match - this was going to be exciting! Chris left us a while later and went back to the flat, but we three stayed for the game. Honestly, I do not understand Rugby at all, I just know when they score. I couldn't follow the game very well because the TV was so small, but I got what I could. We met some guys there who, I think, were going for South Africa, but we never really could tell. They were nice...drunk, but nice. Anyway, after a not-very exciting game (according to those who were broadcasting it), South Africa won the title. A disappointing game, really, but fun none-the-less. There were parties we heard because of the South African's win, but we did not attend any of them. It was sad to know that England lost, but I still had fun. When am I ever going to do that again, honestly? And that night was over
21 October 2007: A different kind of Worship
For church today, I and several friends, did not attend Wembley as normal. We wanted to check out a church much closer to us (right around the corner actually). From what I had heard, it sounded exciting, so I was all about going (not that I don't appreciate Wembley, but sometimes you just need something different). So I went. I did not know at all what to expect so when I walked into the theatre (yes, it was in an actual theatre) I was overwhelmed. Seriously, it was like a concert setting (ok, it was a concert setting) and the air was alight with excitement. Everyone was so nice and welcoming and no one cared what you looked like, only that you had showed up to worship God. It was relaxing to say the least, but adrenaline pumping at the same time. You know what I mean? So, church started and it was a concert-type of worship. There was a group singing and there was music and everyone in the audience was cheering and clapping and jumping up and down, hands raised, voices praising God, and hearts really into what they were doing. I didn't know any of the songs, but that doesn't mean that I didn't try to sing. I picked it up eventually, but I spent most of the time swimming tears because it reminded me of the old camp days when people really believed what they were saying. It had that kind of energy, but it was so much better. For the first time, I actually thought about what the songs meant and they were SOO beautiful! This was a much needed Sunday. And the preacher didn't even talk about what he had planned, which was a first for me, but it was something that I needed to hear. For the first time in my life, I really enjoyed going to church and I actually took away something. It was a great feeling and I would go back in a heartbeat if I weren't required to go to Wembley. I liked it a lot and it actually felt good to be a Christian. Yay for Jesus!
The rest of the day was devoted to classes and more homework. When am I not doing homework?
22 October 2007: Class
Yep - another day of classes and more homework. Yay!!
23 October 2007: It's Tuesday, which means Road Trip!
So today, we went to Cambridge and Ely Cathedral. As I hope all of you know, Cambridge is the other "college town" in England, alongside Oxford. It was pretty small but filled with people...on bikes...running you over in the street. No joke. I liked Cambridge, but one can never get over the fact that there are 30,000 bikes inside the city. Why? Because cars are not allowed to be owned by students unless they are disabled, etc. So everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) has a bike. I hardly saw a car on the streets, but bikes were a different story. I nearly got plowed into several times. You must remember that in almost all cases, pedestrians do NOT have the right of way anywhere in England, so vehicles (including bikes) have permission to run over people in the way. Kinda scary, but that's how it goes. So we took a tour of Cambridge (a 5000 year old town) and that was really interesting. I learned alot, but would remember more if I had pictures to look at. I did see the several thousand year-old market where they still have a market. That was cool. I saw "Newton's" apple tree, or the actual DNA'd tree from the real tree. It didn't like to produce apples - it was very small but intesting all the same.
After that, we headed past more fields and windmills Ely Cathedral. It has been a Cathedral for several thousand years - since before the Normans - I believe it was started during the Celtic age of England (which is VERY old). A girl from our group, Lolli, used to go to school in Ely Cathdral, which was cool. We were going to sing, but there was a memorial service going on, so we couldn't but we did enjoy listening to the chorus sing beautiful songs with the 7 second echo. It was fabulous. I enjoyed the Cathedral and the stained glass (I have a thing for stained glass....). And the day could not have been more beautiful!
24 October 2007: Another day, another class, another abbey...Abbey??
So, obviously we had class again. By this time, I began to realize how much homework I had to do over the weekend and I was beginning to flip out - MAJORLY. And so I was getting all upset and angry inside because I had so much to do and not enough apparent time to do it in...I began to hate school for the first time in a very long time. And then we just had to go to Westminster Abbey, which wouldn't have been so bad had I not had so much to do already. Still, I enjoyed the abbey. I saw the grave of the Unknown Soldier who is buried with the kings. I thought that was so sweet. And yes, I did see several king's tombs, which were msotly above the ground and not very ornate, like I thought they would be. Still, not everyone can say they've seen King Charles I tomb, or Queen Elizabeth I's tomb or Mary, Queen of Scots (who has personal items at Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh which I saw when I was there). Overall, I really did enjoy the Abbey. Honestly, it is not on my top 5 list of things to do, but it is a good thing to see at least once in your life if you go to London. I find that walking amongst the dead is a very peaceful pastime, as morbid as it may seem. You should try it sometime. You just might enjoy it. And then there was night and sleep. Good sleep.
25 October 2007: Oh, yeah, we just saw a torture chamber
So, classes resumed the following morning, regardless of the fact that was didn't want to go and already had so much to do. But there-in lies the problems of school, they just keep giving it to you. And lo and behold, I got more work pushed upon me. Great....I'm going to have a WONDERFUL weekend - NOT!!!!
BUT, things got better because we went to the Tower of London. Oh, yes, the infamous Tower of London - full of blood and stories and such awful things as those that are so much fun to learn about!!! I spent nearly 5 hours in the Tower of London - 5 of the most interesting, thought provoking, and physically tiring hours of my life. But it was SOOO worth it. This place was chock full of history, torture (because that's where people were kept as prisoners for many years), tradition, etc. Just being here was enough to get me even more excited about being a history teacher. Some places are just SOO cool to learn about! I walked through the castle by myself (which was probably better because I was able to take as much time as I wanted anywhere I went) and took time to look at everything, go into every room, read as slow as I wanted to read as many times as I wanted to read them, and have free reign of the castle. It was fantastic! The only downer was that I didn't have anyone to take my picture, so I am lacking in the "me at the Tower of London" stuff pictures, but I did get a few :-) I saw where the Prince King Edward was held captive and where there were two skeletons found in the Tower supposedly belonging to him and his brother who mysteriously disappeared. I saw carvings of many a prisoner on the walls of many prison towers. I saw torture chambers and the artifaces used in carrying out said torture. I saw the changing of the guard inside the castle, and beefeaters (who are the guardians of the castle). I saw the crown jewels (as in the ACTUAL ones the queen wears during the Opening of Parliament - the official crown jewels. Yes, I cried throughout that whole exhibit. Call me a softie, but it just made me so gloriously happy that I could see these things. I have only HEARD of them, learned about them, but NEVER actually thought I would SEE them! I have been so many places like that, it's hard to wrap my finger around it all. I saw cannons, and chapels, and toilets. I got to see how good of an archer I was, pick up actual guns used in the 1800's in the British Army, and touch the ground that many a prisoner, king, queen, prince, and princess have walked upon. I have walked on the faces of history, and most people only care to look at what is there now, not what has been. Many of my group left after only about an hour, but there is NO WAY ANYONE could even BEGIN to see anything remotely interesting in just an hour. There is just too much. The Tower is one of those places that you MUST spend a whole day in just to begin to get the feeling of it all. I was sorely upset that I had to leave, but it was closing and I could not stay any longer. I bought so much stuff at the Tower....I really shouldn't have, but I liked it THAT much. By far THE BEST £13 I have EVER spent - to walk upon the past is to see the face of the future.
26 October 2007: Free Day....spent doing other things
Yes, I know, I spend too much time doing homework, but that's what I did....ALL DAY Friday. I hate homework, but I know it has to be done. I wanted so badly to go out and do stuff with my friends, but homework is priority because I have to do well. I have been getting better at the whole balancing-homework-having-fun-in-London thing. And it's working out great.
But still, that does not make me despise homework any less....
27 October 2007: Parched and tired....
Yes, parched. Not because the water here tastes awful, but because the water main broke and we were without water for almost 24 hours....yuck. I was one of the lucky people to have gotten a shower before the water main busted, but most in my flat were not. They spent a miserable, hot day hoping and praying that the water would come back on, but it did not. The Tullos' were gracious enough to offer their two bathrooms to anyone who wanted to take a shower since they were in a different building and had water...go figure. So I took a shower at night - quite out of my normal routine because I hate taking showers at night, but no one knew when the water would be back on, so I took one. Turns out, the water was turned back on early the next morning, but we all had a devo in the Tullos' flat because we didn't want to go to church smelly in case the water was not on Sunday morning. That was nice, too. It was spectacular to take a shower that afternoon. I will never take running water for granted ever again!
That night, Megan, Julie, Kaitlin and I went to Covent Garden and had dinner. I ate a pizza, which is once again quite out of my routine because I don't really like pizza... but this was a good pizza. Aside from being attacked by a hungry pigeon, dinner was quite uneventful. It was nice to get out, away from homework, and spend sometime with people I don't usually get to hang out with. We then went and rode the carousel in Covent Garden. I've not ridden one in so long! It was nice to be a kid again. This was by far the fastest carousel I've even ridden...it was crazy! If you didn't hold on, you were going to get thrown off. But it was great. I very much enjoyed that. After that, I went and slaved away at homework again...oh the joy of my life - or not.
28 October 2007: Grubby Sunday
So, most of us got up that morning not having had a shower in over 24 hours, which gave the flat a very interesting smell...but not nearly as bad as some of the streets of London, no siree! But devo was good. Then I finished cracking down on the homework I still had to do for the next few class periods. Trust me, I had more than I was paying for....and it was not a good thing.
I survived classes and prepared for another day of massive homework doing. Homework is soon becoming my bestest friend!!! Ha!......
29 October 2007: Class
Yes, classes as usual, but after today, the week got much less stressful. Things had been turned in like they were supposed to and not all my assignments were due on the same day the next week. What a joyful thought!! But I still went and did homework again after classes cause I'm a nerd like that...but I also helped prepare our flat for the upcoming Halloween Party. Everyone was getting costumes for the contest and buying candy (British candy, not as good as American of course), etc. Whatever you have to do for a party, as well as hang decorations. Liz's favorite holiday is Halloween and she gets so excited about it. Seriously, she started planning in September - it was awesome. And, I decided what I wanted to be for Halloween - a big deal cause I've not dressed up since I was very young. But I'm not going to tell you just yet what I decided to be....cause it's a surprise. : )
30 October 2007: Tis another Tuesday Adventure!!!
So, today, we went to probably the cutest place ever - Canterbury and Dover!! I loved this day. I saw the Canterbury Cathedral where Thomas a Beckett was murdered - and I SAT on the exact spot he was murdered at. That was cool. Once again, walking upon the face of history, rather in this case, sitting on the face of history. Haha! That just sounds funny. But I really enjoyed our 2 hour tour of the Cathedral. Yay Thomas Beckett!!
After Canterbury, we went another half an hour out of the way to Dover. Ever heard of the white cliffs of Dover? Yeah, I totally saw those...and played in the water on Dover Beach, and saw my first ever sign of land called....France!! Wahoo! I took quite a few pictures of Dover Beach - it was so much fun. I got really wet cause I had a really big wave come and collide into my shins...I had tried to roll up my pants, but that did not work very well...Oh well. It's no crime to have the English Channel eat part of your pants in an attempt to bring in the coming tide. It was uber cold, but that's what made it so much fun! I did not go to Dover castle (the biggest castle in Britain, fyi) because I did not have the £7.50 to get in the door. But I didn't care - I had just as much fun goofing off on the beach and shopping in the town centre. I fell in love with both of those towns because they were small, homey, and still had so much of the original building work there. They looked old, but I definately think England and I get along very well indeed. I love this country!
31 October 2007: Halloween, what else?
So we had classes today as usual, but it was Halloween, so everyone was excited about the party that night. After class, I went to LillyWhite's again (remember the sporting goods store? Yeah, I could spend time in there like a girl in the mall) to get the final touch for my costume. I was so excited!! The entire costume (if you got it specifically for Halloween) had to be underr £10 in order to be qualified for the contest. And guess what? I found the last item for £9.09. Go me!! So I got them and went back to get ready for the party that night. I was almost all dressed by 6 - an hour before the party was to start. But that was ok cause I was so excited and it gave everyone else a chance to get ready and for me not to be in the way. Are you ready to find out what I was? Ok...well. I decided to be an England Rugby Player!! I already had the jersey, the Rugby ball, and the flag. What better thing to be? All I had to get were the shorts (which are very comfortable, btw) under £10, and I totally did that! Of course, I had to soup it up a bit, so I had really messy hair with leaves in it, and some fake injuries on my face, my arm and my leg. I thought I looked great and so did some other people. They all seemed to really like what I dressed up as considering I hadn't had to think about it in such a long time. But it was SOO much fun! We had a dance party, contest, did charades, bowling, and a movie (which I did not watch because I went to go write a speech due the next day. Go me!). But I ate candy and food and cake and saw Hermione Granger, the four seasons, a power riser, gypsies, a good witch, snowflakes, fairies, and of course the Rugby player. I had a great time just spending it with friends, goofing around, and having a stress-free time. Ahhh, holidays. What better thing to put us in a good mood?
1 November 2007: Classes
Had classes today. After classes I took a much much needed break from homework. Even though I had a science test the next evening, I didn't do homework for at least 6 hours because I didn't want to. Go me!! I honestly don't remember what I did besides give a speech on two hours of sleep (I was up until 5 writing my speech), perhaps thats why I dont remember - I was so tired....But I did go to bed at 10:30 that night and slept for 12 hours. Ahh, blissful sleep!! What a nice relaxing day! And my speech went very well. Ms. Dillion really liked it - very impressed and blown away by statistics...I did the history of Coca-Cola. It's still interesting.
Today was also the 21st birthday of my bestest friend, Kevin. Can't forget him - not ever.
2 November 2007: More study, then free time!
I spent all day before 5 preparing for my environmental science test that evening. It was not a big deal and I made a 100 on the test, so all was not that big of a deal. After that, I watched two movies and some early Guy Fawkes Day fireworks. It was great! I love this country and all their customs. Yay for the English. Today was mostly a relaxing day after 5, when I took my test. Good thing too, cause I don't think I could handle another weekend like that....
3 November 2007: A time away from home
Today was a free day, completely void of homework, except what I'm going to do right after this because it's due tomorrow and I've not started on it. I went to the Harrod's Christmas Day Parade when Father Christmas welcomes Christmas into London. It was so cute to act like a kid again! I got a balloon and a crown and candy and a teddy bear! Yay for Harrods! The parade was so cute and there was snow - soap snow, but snow all the same. Then we went shopping in Harrods - that was cool. We were in there when almost no one else was. It's great to browse without 1000 other people crowding the same building. After that, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe store and got shirts since we ate there. Then we went down Burlington Arcade - really expensive stuff and very posh. Dressing up is a good idea when walking down it...After that we went to Primark and I bought....CLOTHES!! Not many, but enough to say that I have. Wahoo!! I spent almost 10 hours out of the flat today, not doing anything very productive, but feeling great about that. I love this country, have I already said that? I can't stress that enough.
Now, off to get busy doing stuff that is due tomorrow. I hope you have enjoyed the past two weeks of my life in retrospect.
I'm sorry if I've been bad about this, but if there is anything you have questions about, just want to say hi, etc., please feel free to email me. I would love to hear from anyone who is enjoying my time in England as much as I. If you don't have my email address, I shall enlighten you: acancien@harding.edu. Again, I would love comments, inquiries, etc.
Love you guys! Cheers!
In Him,
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